






Music Teachers in Lowell MA NC area
Music Lessons In-Home Studio and Online

Thank you for checking with us for music lessons. Unfortunately we do not have instructors in your area, however we're continually hiring instructors. So feel free to check back here often! Thank you for your patience.

How about taking lessons online? We chose our finest instructors that specialize in live, interactive, online lessons.

To be on our waiting list, click here to fill out our short form to be noified when an instructor is hired in your area. We don't spam you or give out your information. And best of all, you'll receive a free 30 minute lesson if we set up music lessons for you!

Melody Music Studios was founded in 1989. We hire professional music instructors that love to teach! References and full background checks are conducted.

Our goal is to build a strong musical foundation for a lifetime of enjoyment. We offer fun, tailored lessons for all instruments, levels, and styles, reading or by ear.

Better Business Bureau
*We offer one business day to cancel with a guarantee: If you're unhappy with the teaching, the first 30 minutes are FREE! If you continue, your card is charged on the following business day. Future lessons can be cancelled anytime with a 30 day notice
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All Copyrights owned by Melody Music Studios