






Guitar and Piano Lessons Lynchburg VA


Piano Audio 1 Piano Audio 2

Tyler is currently booked. Please check out our list of other instructors near you.

How about taking lessons online? You can cancel by the following business day, with the guarantee that if you're not happy, the first 30 minutes are free!

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Tyler attended the Ferris State University in Big Rapids, MI, from 2015-2018 towards a Music Business degree. He then took a job at Sweetwater as a Sales Engineer, where he became an expert in music technology & gear through Sweetwater University. As a child, Tyler started playing piano, learning to play by ear, then later picked up the guitar. He joined the school band for clarinet and drums. Tyler began teaching in a classroom setting while in college and found his passion for teaching. He began teaching professionally as a private teacher in 2016 and in a college classroom. He has experience performing, touring as lead guitarist, and doing sound engineering work. He attended master classes with world-class recording engineers & musicians. He performed as lead guitarist and music production in the worship band at his previous church. He offers all styles.

Personality rating: Easygoing

Tyler has been teaching guitar and piano at Melody Music Studios since: 1/23/2023

Sign up for guitar and piano lessons and get $10 off first month!

Lessons offered at in either student's home or instructor's studio.Lynchburg - location available soon
Travels up to 50 miles
Studio description: Professional studio
Equipment: Keyboard with DAW controller, Logic Pro and various recording software, bass, several guitars (classical, acoustic,, and electric) effects processor, and speakers.

This instructor teaches the following instrument(s) and categories:

Monthly Rates Below for Weekly Lessons Regardless of 4 or 5 Weeks in a Month

Instructor's Studio and Online
30 min/week $135/month
45 min/week $190/month
60 min/week $245/month
  Student's home  
30 min/week $165/month
45 min/week $220/month
60 min/week $275/month

*Please let us know if you need a time that is not listed. We'll be happy to check with the instructor.






Saturday 10AM-4PM


Melody Music Studios was founded in 1989. We hire professional music instructors that love to teach! References and full background checks are conducted.

Our goal is to build a strong musical foundation for a lifetime of enjoyment. We offer fun, tailored lessons for all instruments, levels, and styles, reading or by ear.

Better Business Bureau
*We offer one business day to cancel with a guarantee: If you're unhappy with the teaching, the first 30 minutes are FREE! If you continue, your card is charged on the following business day. Future lessons can be cancelled anytime with a 30 day notice
Contact us
All Copyrights owned by Melody Music Studios