f Piano organ and oboe lessons Kingston Springs TN In-Home Studio or on line








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Piano Organ and Oboe Lessons in Kingston Springs TN In Home Studio and On Line
Sign up and get $10 off first month!

If you're not happy with the first lesson, it's FREE!
Future lessons can be cancelled with a 30 day notice

Hannah is an organist, pianist, oboist, vocalist, and composer, From age twelve through her early twenties, Hannah aimed to become an orchestral oboist, dedicating herself intensely to that goal. In high school, she discovered her love for sacred music and the organ by leading the music at her home church in Arkansas. In college at Southern Methodist University, Hannah majored in both oboe and organ performance, receiving a Bachelor of Music in 2017. Ultimately, she felt called toward the church more than the orchestra, so she completed a Masters of Sacred Music with an organ emphasis at Southern Methodist University in 2019. Hannah has accrued many honors over the years in the music field. Most notably, she received third place in the 2016 International Double Reed Society Young Artist Competition (Columbus, GA) and first place in the 2015 Meadows Undergraduate Concerto competition (Dallas, TX). She has played oboe concertos with the Arkansas Symphony Orchestra in 2014 and the Meadows Symphony Orchestra in 2016. As an organist, Hannah has received awards from the National Federation of Music Clubs and the American Guild of Organists. The Perkins School of Theology (Dallas, TX) awarded Hannah the Roger Deschner Prize in Sacred Music for “academic excellence, musical abilities, and overall achievement in the Masters of Sacred Music program” in 2018 and, in 2019, the Fellowship Seminarian Award “for outstanding leadership in music and worship arts.” Hannah has held organist/director positions at West Plano Presbyterian Church (Plano, TX), Northridge Presbyterian Church (Dallas, TX), Epiphany Episcopal Church (Richardson, TX), Good Shepherd Episcopal Church (Dallas, TX), and Kirk of the Hills Presbyterian Church (Fairfield Bay, AR). Hannah has published articles in The Canterbury Dictionary of Hymnology and the United Methodist Church’s History of Hymns website. Hannah regularly composes and arranges church music to accommodate the needs of individual congregations. Hannah has been teaching since 2012 and offers classical, jazz, pop, gospel, and sacred styles.

Personality rating: outspoken
Hannah has been teaching with Melody Music Studios since: 12/9/2019

Sign up and get $10 off first month!
Age: not available.
Lessons offered in either student's home or instructor's studio.

Kingston Springs, SW of Nashville, near I-40 and Fairview Kingston Rd

Travels up to 10 miles

Studio description: Large designated home studio with vaulted ceiling
Additional separate studio
On line lessons offered
Waiting area provided
Group lessons offered
Equipment: Yamaha 88 weighted keyboard, percussion instruments, guitars, music stand, oboe, and a recording/mixing equipment
This instructor teaches the following instrument(s) and categories:
Music Transcription
Artist Development
Monthly Rates Below for Weekly Lessons, Regardless of 4 or 5 Weeks in a Month

Instructor's Studio and On Line
30 min/week $130/month
45 min/week $187.50/month
60 min/week $245/month
  Student's home  
30 min/week $160/month
45 min/week $217.50/month
60 min/week $275/month

*Please let us know if you need a time that is not listed. We'll be happy to check with the instructor.

Mon 8AM-8PM
Tue 8AM-8PM
Wed 8AM-2:30PM 4:30PM-8PM*
Thur 8AM-10AM 10:30AM-8PM
Fri 8AM-8PM
Sat 8AM-8PM

Melody Music Studios was founded in 1989. We hire professional music instructors that love to teach! References and full background checks are conducted.

We offer fun, tailored lessons for all instruments, levels, and styles, reading or by ear. Our goal is to build a strong musical foundation for a lifetime of enjoyment.

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All Copyrights owned by Melody Music Studios