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Instructor Application

Thank you for applying to teach at Melody Music Studios! After completing the form below, please submit a performance recording for all instruments you teach. Audio or video is accepted for most formats. Youtube links are also accepted. Please also submit your resume and the 1-2 "meet the instructor" video. You can enter a website on the application for the resume and recordings if that applies. After you submit the application, you will be redirected to a page with the email where you can also submit them.

Thank you again for your interest in teaching at Melody Music Studios and I look forward to hearing from you!

Personal Information

How did you hear about us
Where can you teach   Can you teach lessons online?   Select your region (use other if your area is not listed)

Professional information

Enter each instrument you teach (including voice), then the highest level. If you teach more then four instruments, you can include additional instruments in the comment field below.

Highest Level    

Highest Level    

Highest Level    

Highest Level    

Can you teach by ear Can you teach traditional and reading skills

Do you perform out of town

If yes, how many days do you travel per year

Do you want To teach

How many years have you taught?


Travel and Studio Information

Can you travel to the student's home

If yes, select mile range to teach:

Do you have a studio

Describe your studio 1) approximate size 2) if home studio, where in your home (ie living room, separate room) 3) if you offer a separate waiting area (and description if you like) 4) if you can give group lessons (2-6 per group) and 5) if you're interested in offering on line lessons!

College Information

Second College Information

Please give us two references from either a music mentor, music student you taught (current or past), or fellow musician. No family members please.

First reference

Second reference

Emergency Contact Information

*This is used ONLY if we're unable to reach you.

By my digital signature below I authorize investigation of all statements contained in this application. I understand that misrepresentation or omission of facts called for is cause for immediate breach of contract.

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All Copyrights owned by Melody Music Studios